“On the Road Again.”
July 7 @ 4:00 pm – July 11 @ 1:00 pm
MEN & WOMEN SILENT RETREAT – Psalm One tells us that Happy is the person who walks in the way of the Lord. Each day we are ON THE ROAD AGAIN – seeking that happiness as we seek to avoid the ‘path of the sinner’ (Ps.1) The Evil one obviously will put up roadblocks, detours, no U-turns, forks in the road, even no entry signs. In the Exodus from Egypt, the Hebrews were led by God with a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire through the night. That same God walks with us day and night.
‘Procedamus in Pace’ – Let us go forth in peace.
This 5-day retreat, begins on Monday afternoon with dinner and ends with lunch on Friday.
Fr. Michael Coutts, SJ will lead us each day with conferences, Eucharistic Celebration, and opportunities for individual spiritual direction with our retreat team.
Facilitated by Fr. Michael Coutts, SJ