Ignatian Retreat Program

“Openness to Christ’ words: A Path of encounter and conversion”

MEN & WOMEN IGNATIAN – “Jesus’ encounter with the sick, the Pharisees, sinners, and all other sorts of people is critical for the process of personal conversion and transformation. The disciples who followed the Messiah had encountered him and were transformed by his words and his deeds. They were able to respond to the call:...

$245.00 Suggested Offering

“Pausing with Jesus Before the Resurrection.”

MEN & WOMEN EASTER TRIDUUM - These days of retreat provide silence and solitude for entering more deeply into the mystery of Jesus’ Passion, Death and Resurrection. Facilitated by Fr. Henk van Meijel, SJ and our Retreat Team.

$310.00 Suggested Offering

“Full of Grace and Power”

We are an Easter people and an Easter Church ! Through scripture and our tradition the resurrected Christ has been revealed to us. We are no longer huddled in a darkened room with the doors and windows locked. On the contrary we are called to share with others the joyous news we have received. When...

$65.00 Suggested Offering

Appreciation of the Ignatian Charism of Discernment

"Both Adolfo Nicholas, former Superior General of the Society of Jesus, and Pope Francis, seek to foster a church community of greater wisdom and depth that is more integrated and prayerfully mindful of the issues of today’s contemporary world. This day of reflection will focus upon how we can respond to our world today in a more Christ-like way through the Ignatian charism of wisdom and depth as intuited by these two well-respected contemporary Jesuits."

$65.00 Suggested Offering

Five-Day Theme Retreat

MEN & WOMEN Seeking Spiritual Healing, the Ignatian Way “This retreat is loosely based on the Four Weeks of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. We move from looking at our sinful world to journeying with Jesus through the cross, finding renewed life in our journey as we look forward at our own life journey with the...

$600.00 Suggested Offering

Reading the Signs of His Presence: Preparing the Way of the Lord.

MEN & WOMEN IGNATIAN – The re-creation of the world into the fullness of life began with the paschal mystery. Participating in Christ’s ongoing work in the world, in the Spirit, we prepare His coming in our hearts and in the fullness of time. Facilitated by Fr. Peter Bisson, SJ

$250.00 Suggested Offering

Praying with the Wisdom Tradition of the Old Testament.

WOMEN IGNATIAN – Although many believers are not attracted to the Old Testament since God often is portrayed as a warrior God; nevertheless, the books of Proverbs, Psalms, Job, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, Wisdom of Solomon, and Wisdom of Sirach give us much material to pray with and to reflect on to navigate us through...

$250.00 Suggested Offering

Summertime and the Praying is Easy

MEN & WOMEN IGNATIAN RETREAT - 1 Thessalonians 5:16 - 18 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. As we go camping, hiking, fishing, surfing -- we can always encounter God. Prayer and Pleasure are complementary not competitive. Is is...

$260.00 Suggested Offering

God’s Mother Mary: First Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ

MEN & WOMEN IGNATIAN – Our Advent preparation focuses on Our Lady as we follow her through prayerful scriptural reflection based on three particular sub- themes; Our Lady, The Womb of God ( Luke 1: The Annunication), Our Lady, God’s Grateful Discerning Servant ( Luke 1 : The Visitation) and Our Lady, Woman on Mission...

$260.00 Suggested Offering
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