Dear Friends of Manresa,
We look forward to welcoming you back for our new retreat season for 2024/2025. This year we are celebrating 75 years of Ignatian Spirituality.
You will notice that our Fall schedule is up with Invited Directors and Themes for their retreat weekends. Our Winter/Spring 2025 is a work in progress as you can see. We will continue to update our website with new and exciting retreats, stay tuned and keep checking back with us!
In the love and prayers of our Lord,
Fr. Henk van Meijel, SJ
Director of Manresa Jesuit Spiritual Renewal Centre
Please see the Retreats Schedule

About Manresa


Our Retreats
Celebrating 75 Years of Spiritual Renewal at Manresa Jesuit Centre
“Understanding and Praying with the Mystics” and other video content
The Spirituality of the 12 Step Program
The 12 Step Program for members of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) and other addiction groups is a further adaptation along the lines suggested by St. Ignatius.